Thursday, February 10, 2011


Let me start off by saying that having hiccups while at work is terribly inconvenient.  Working as a receptionist requires you to talk to people, and while I tend to be a generally quiet person, I don't control the volume of calls that comes to the office.  It's very hard to try and answer peoples questions while sounding like you're periodically being pinched or something.  After one particular call ending with laughter ringing through the handset, I decided I might want to try getting a drink of water.  This reminded me of a trick my Mom told me to try once, which was to drink out of the opposite side of my glass upside down.

To be honest, I sat there considering it for a moment, eyeing the drawer where we keep extra paper cups, but after imagining myself looking like this ^^^^ in my own heels and skirt....well....
In the end, I just went to the drinking fountain and chuged water as fast as possible, imagining that I was "swallowing" my hiccups. 
That worked.
....for 25 minutes.....
needless to say, the day ended with some laughs on the phone and with friends, leaving me to feel like this:
(I think you can guess which one is me)