Dear Barbara Streisand:
Every time I watch the ending of Funny Girl, I get chills, my heart flutters, and I feel like I'm about to burst. Please don't think that I am accusing you of any wrong-doing; on the contrary, I am constantly in shock and awe at your ability to suck me into loving Fanny Brice almost INSTANTLY. As soon as she comes into view in that silly red dress in the beginning of the movie and talks about her future with that gleam of hope in her eyes - I'm stuck.
My love for her character grows as I watch her confidence catapult her into stardom. I am charmed by her and her glorious sense of humor. You have supplied the women of my family with endless quotes such as, "I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!", "Hello GORgeous", and my personal favorite, "you gonna shoot da shwanz? MY Shwanz girls? Whatta ya, dumb?".
..and then my heart breaks with hers as she delivers this final song. So thank you Barbara, for bringing such a powerful emotion to the life of Fanny Brice - It's truly unforgettable.