Saturday, Jess and I became a biker gang. After returning her bike for the second time to Walmart, we set out on a day of adventures. First, we biked to campus, stopping by the library so I could stock up on books for the coming weeks.
Then we biked back home and jumped in the pool. It was super fun, but we decided that pool toys would make it even MORE fun. So, being a biker gang and all - we rode to Shopko in our swim suits, bought super cheap pool toys and rode back home where we jumped BACK into the pool and splashed around for a while.
We eventually got out of the pool and showered. Then we went and got a pizza and crazy bread. Crazy Bread may be one of my favorite things in the world after realizing it was only $1. I learn something every day.
Stadium of Fire:
Later that night, I watched the Stadium of Fire with Troy. We found a good spot on a hill behind our apartment. The Jets came right over our heads - it was incredible, and I got to hear my secret crush David Archuletta :) I can't say I paid as much attention when Brad Paisley sang, but the fireworks were amazing and definitely caught my attention again.
On Monday I joined a different biker gang and rode with Josh and Troy down to Utah Lake. Yep - Utah Lake. It sounds far.....come to think of it, it is far, but the ride wasn't bad. We found snakes, ducks, and even cows along the way. The water was super choppy and smelled horrible, but it was a fun trip anyway. When we got to the lake we tried playing hacky sack. I had to get over the fact that I felt immensely silly and eventually I did ok at it. Maybe one day I'll be like this guy:
The evening was pretty low key, but a perfect end to the day.
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!
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