Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Pockets

You ever get those moments where time just sorta stands still and you realize the small things in your life that are great and suddenly the world seems like it's made of marshmallows and pastel-colored candy?
Ok.....so maybe you don't, but whether it's my child-like imagination, or subconscious sweet tooth - I do.

I'm not saying that my life is a piece of cake (really liking the sweet tooth analogies today), I still have aches, pains, work, and difficulty to encounter, but today I just had a brief "little pocket of sunshine" moment, so I thought instead of sharing all my stress with the world, I'll share the sunshine.

First off, I had my first professional day at school, which means I got to wear my uniform and feel the excitement of looking the part that I one day will play.  I was a little sad not to be able to attend devotional today, but that's the great thing about lds.org, you can look up talks and devotionals all the time!

A short while after,  I saw a picture of a friend's new baby on facebook.  A tiny little girl, so precious and small. 
 Then I looked at my phone and saw the picture of my own little nephew that my Mom had sent me.  He's folding his arms lopsidedly and squinting his eyes in a prayer - It's adorable.  There's something special those tiny ones that just makes me smile.

So many small reminders today of the goodness that is all around us - especially in little kids. 
Never underestimate the power of those small smiles.

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